Hi everyone :) Hope you are all enjoying your weekend; I'm just getting ready to go out with my friend Lizzie, so I decided to show you all my hair routine because it takes up quite a bit of my 'getting ready' time haha.
I like spending time on my hair because it is one of the things that people always see and I just like to take pride in it. I mean it doesn't always behave the way I would like it to but those are the days where I will just pin or tie it up.
- Okayy, so in the shower, once I have rinsed my hair and it has been thoroughly rinsed with warm water, I will use my Tresemme 'Salon Silk' Shampoo. The best way to wash your hair is to apply a decent amount to your hand, and then massage it into your hair; starting at the scalp and then bringing up the rest of your hair. It is a real workout for my arms because my hair is so long and thick haha! Do not use your nails as that will scratch your head; use your fingertips as you can apply a good amount of pressure without damaging the roots of your hair.
- After I leave that to soak, I wash it out and then apply my Tresemme 'Salon Silk' Conditioner. I love the Tresemme products because they leave my hair feeling lovely and soft, and it smells gorgeous. The way I apply conditioner is just to the ends of my hair. I will apply a good amount to my hands, and then just run my hair through them so that they are covered in the conditioner. I don't apply it to my scalp as you already have natural oils there and applying more could make it get greasy quicker. You are just looking after the bits of hair that have become damaged over time. I then leave this in for a few minutes, and then wash it out.
I normally wrap my hair up in a towel whilst I do my make-up, so that it isn't dripping all over the place haha. After that, I take my hair out, and brush it through with two brushes. The first one I use is the red one in the photo, because it doesn't get caught and yank my hair; I use it to just smooth my hair out before I use the second brush (the black one), to actually get rid of the tangles. It just means that you aren't damaging your hair as much.
After my hair is all nice and brushed out, I apply my GHD Heat Protection Spray so that the hair dryer and straighteners don't kill my hair as much as they would without it. Also, if I haven't had time to do my conditioner then I will spray some of the Aussie Leave-In Conditioner to my ends, and brush through it with the soft red brush. Both of these products smell really nice and they are miracle products for your hair; I highly recommend them both.
As for the Pantene Hairspray - Volume & Hold, I will normally just quickly spray that over all of my hair once I have dried and straightened it. I love this spray, I buy it in bulk off of Amazon so that I know that I won't run out for a while haha.
Once that is all done, I will usually quickly spray my hair with the hairspray that I mentioned before and then voila, my hair is all done :) I just have a few bits of advice that I have heard or learned about hair:
- Don't wash your hair every day. It will take the natural oils out of your hair which are there to help keep it healthy.
- Don't straighten your hair all the time either. The more heating products that you use, the more damaged your hair will become.
- Don't yank your hair. As I said earlier, it will cause split ends and damaged roots.
- Leave your hair to get greasy once in a while. It will give it time to become healthy and start to repair itself again.
- If you cut your hair quite regularly, it will grow back quicker, thicker and healthier.
- Wash out your brushes regularly to get rid of dead hair and other bacteria.
So yeahh, I hope that you enjoyed learning a bit more about what I do for my hair, and hopefully the tips that I've given will be of some help to you :) If you have any tips or do anything differently, then let me know!
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