Your feet work so hard every day, whether it is lasting a whole day at work, doing a tough cardio session or just simply getting you around from day to day. But if you are anything like me then you forget to look after them and then as soon as Summer comes around you panic because in a few weeks you will be wearing flip flops and nice sandals and your feet are definitely not looking their best.
Well at the start of 2018 I vowed to myself that I would start to care for my body more, especially the places that I didn't really take much notice of, like my feet. There are so many great products out there but today I am going to tell you what I have been doing to care for my feet to make sure that they look Summer ready without the mad panic two weeks before I go on holiday.
My feet don't have hard skin, they just get dry and cracked so I don't use a file or anything like that, I just use products that help put the moisture back into the skin. Most of the time I won't use these products all in the same day as normally too much of something isn't good. So I will use 1-2 of these in the same day and then switch it up throughout the week so that my feet get the benefits from all products.
I picked this up because The Body Shop were doing a buy one get one free offer so I thought, why not?
This lotion smells so good as it has the fresh, minty smell of peppermint which is also quite soothing I think. The band around the bottom of the bottle says that it gives expert care for active feet as it is supposed to help ease them when they are tired, sore and overworked; which mine definitely are haha. It is a cooling foot lotion so as soon as you apply it and start to massage it in, you can feel your feet start to relax a little which is perfect after a long day or week. Although this lotion doesn't claim to help with dry skin etc, caring for your feet isn't all about making them look good, it is about making them feel good too, which is why this product is included in my top products and for £8.50, I think it is quite a good purchase considering how long it lasts!
The Body shop have a whole range of foot care products so I may try something different when one of these run out.

I have always heard good things about Palmer's and cocoa butter so I decided to pick up a small tube to see if it did anything for my dry skin and oh my! This is another product that smells amazing and feels good when applying it. This is a lot thicker than the peppermint lotion but it still absorbs really quickly and still makes my feet feel moisturised and nourished. I started to apply this to my feet once a day before I went to sleep and after about a week I started seeing a big difference in how dry my skin was. My heels even started to feel softer without the use of a foot file or pumice stone which was just what I wanted! There are other variations such as butters and scrubs but I prefer the cream just because it is easier to work with and you can leave it to soak in and get to work. This small tube costs around £2 in shops so again it is a good price for the benefits that it has.

If you have never tried a foot cream sock pack then I urge you to try one as although it is a really weird sensation when you first put the sock on, it feels really good. The cream is already inside the sock so when you put it on, your feet are instantly covered in it and left to soak in it for however long you wish to leave them on for. This means that after the first bit has soaked in, there is more waiting to keep the foot nourished and really give it some moisture. I would normally put a pair on once a week because I would still be using the cream and lotion so this only needs to be the finishing touch.
After you take the socks off, your feet are left to soak in the remaining cream and when they dry they feel smooth, soft and a lot healthier. I find that these socks are a good way to end the week as you can relax and watch some TV and let them work their magic. They are sold in many different places but the ones that I use are from Superdrug and are currently £1.99 so another good price for a really good product.
So that is what I have been doing this year to keep my feet looking dry skin free and ready for Summer. I love all of these products and highly recommend them if you have the same issues that I have. They don't take long to apply at all so if you find yourself reading a book or listening to music before bed then all of these products are easy and quick enough for you to apply. I am just happy that this is one less thing to worry about when I go away and I am sure my feet are thankful for it too haha.